New Projects section comming well as spur of personal creativity.

Today while watching some fantastic animated movies online, namely >>NINJAI<<, I have had a spur of creativity to again begin my process of writing and animation creation.

Several years ago I experimented in writing a story based around the diary of soldier in an apocolyctic war on Earth. I wrote several entries/episodes at the time but the development of the animation and characters fell through. The episodes that I have written have long since vanished.

I hope over the course of the next year, after the completion of my cds, to re-start the process of developing this story and turning it into a mini-series of sorts.

I don't want to get ahead of myself yet, so just stay tuned while I develop scripts and storylines.

As an update to the site over the next few days I will be adding a "Projects" section to allow all visitors to follow the progresss of my writings, music and animation ventures.