A great joke on the Livepa forum

Every once in a while a great little unintentional joke pops up during discussions on web forums that I visit. This one in particular made me laugh out loud.

Cost me $600.00 CAD, or around 500 USD, give or take.
Now I just have to figure out whereTF to put it.

professor quack:
that's one expensive ink pen. I think I paid as much as $40 for a pen once but never $600. What kind is it?

It's a vintage limited edition monogrammed BIC with phase-accurate ink tracking and a top-mounted single cycle pulse generator that does double duty as a user-triggerable flow control sidechain.

The owner was a really cool guy, too. After we closed the deal with the pen, he threw in a Soundcraft Spirit Studio 32.8 for free...