So Guns………… So I was initially going to prepare a whole long discussion on the whole aftermath of the shooting, but instead of espousing a lot of text, I am just going to bullet point my thoughts.
- Children Died.
- It was horrible and I cried.
- Journalists interviewing the children are in poor taste.
- Journalists still have every right to do it.
- The parents need to say no.
- Let’s stop pretending journalists are some sort of bastion of integrity. Journalism has always been a slimy business in America.
- Your prayers aren’t doing shit to help anyone. Take real action.
- Don’t treat children like idiots. Talk to them and let them process this event. Don’t hide it from them.
- God and schools have nothing to do with anything.
- The gun was the mechanism, not the cause of this problem.
- Don’t erode civil liberties in the name of protection.
- Mental Health is ONE OF the root problems.
- Assault rifles are not what the media is telling you they are, and they are not what you think they are.
- Stricter gun control does need to happen in this country.
- That said people should be able to own any gun they want for whatever reason they want.
- Self-defense for gun ownership is mostly bull shit in my opinion.No one I have ever known or talked to has known anyone who has ever been involved in an incident needing a gun for self-defense.
- Stop with the hyperbole.
- People are upset and want answers.
- Don’t let emotions rule your judgment.
- Sometimes there are no answers.
- Sometimes there is no solution.
- Sometimes there is nothing that could possibly have been done to prevent something.
- This is the real world and bad stuff happens all the time. Face it. Accept it. Learn from it. Grow from it.