I consider myself to be a fairly handy individual. I'm not going to go and build a canoe or tear down an entire car engine, but I think most house projects I can handle. Last week my dad came over to help me install a new floor in my house. Now my dad is certainly a few steps up from me. All my life growing up I always remember him tackling all sorts of house projects. He is one of those old fashioned, flannel shirt wearing sorts of dad's and he is always eager to help me with projects when they come up.
You would think that installing pre-finished, hardware laminate floor would be a fairly easy task to do. It ended up being a significantly larger project than I fully anticipated. What I thought would be a two day weekend project has now turned into a three weekend project after the staining and cutting and all of the craziness. I don't know how my dad does it. I was just completely exhausted at the end of each day and my patience was completely shot after this project, and this was just the foyer in my house. I still have on the horizon to do my mudroom and then ultimately my kitchen.
This is going to end up being three projects that will be ongoing for the next several months at least.