The wife bought me a #model for Christmas and I am totally going down the rabbit hole of my model building days as a kid. Went out and bought all of the tools again. (Taken with instagram)
The wife bought me a #model for Christmas and I am totally going down the rabbit hole of my model building days as a kid. Went out and bought all of the tools again. (Taken with instagram)
First #beer sampling of the day. Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale. Not digging it. (Taken with instagram)
Some more photos from this weekend’s shooting. #camplus #motorcycle (Taken with instagram)
#motorcycle #camplus (Taken with instagram)
sample from some shooting I did today for a new website. #camera+ #motorcycle (Taken with instagram)
Mast Brothers #chocolate my brother got me as a birthday present. #mastbrothers (Taken with instagram)
Well my street gear is finally complete for my bike. Just got the CE rated back armor for my jacket. Has been backordered for about a month. Now I just need those parts for my fuel petcock and I will be up and running again.
Well, I went through the process of removing the gas tank on my bike this afternoon. My parts to replace the petcock shipped on Friday so with any luck they will arrive on Monday or Tuesday, I can get this thing back together early in the week and I can still get a ride in with the good weather. Tank removal was surprisingly easy. Took only about twenty minutes. Pulled a few hoses (gently) removed the fuel indicator and viola. Getting the remaining fuel out of the tank proved to be a little more tricky. In short i got it everywhere, but most went in the fuel can.
Latest Edition to my #pocketknife collection. #Wenger S14 replacing my 15 year old knife (Taken with instagram)
Re-assembling my turntables this afternoon with the Lack from Ikea. Looks like I just need artwork for the studio now.