Reading: Trying Out Some Different Reading Platforms

I've been a Goodreads user for years, almost since the beginning of its inception, and before it was purchased by Amazon. As of late I have wanted to see what else is out there for social apps around reading. As good as Goodreads is, it really hasn't seen any sort of updates to it. The rise of "Booktok" has brought a whole new social aspect to reading that I sort of miss. I used to be part of several bookclubs on Goodreads and at work, but those have largely fallen by the wayside and died. 

I've dipped my toes into a couple of new apps over the past months to see what they are all about. Fable and Tome have seen heavy discussion on my internet circles. I've had Fable for about six months now and Tome for maybe two (it is quite new). 

My initial impressions are kinda lukewarm on both of them so far. They both feature a very modern interface compared to Goodreads, almost like Instagram or BlueSky/Mastodon for the endless scrolling. There is something though rather clean about Goodreads compared to the other two. There is a level of information density that I prefer. Now, part of that might be because I have 10+ years of friends on Goodreads and they are largely still active, but I look at the feeds on these apps and my Goodreads feed is mostly people's book updates. What they have read and what they are reading, whereas my feeds in Fable and Tome are around books, but are not really updates on the books themselves. I see less reviews, less thoughts on specific chapters, and more posts that are people's cozy pictures of them in their living room reading. That's fine I guess, but I kinda wanna have some discussions around a book itself. 

I'm gonna check out Storygraph, but at this point I think Goodreads is still the best game in town. The interface is clean, even with the ads it offers up and it still has the best density of friends and interesting people posting book information. If I'm being honest, I also think the ads are rather good and introduce me to some new books and authors. 

Book Review: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a classic for reason. I won't go much into the details of the book. At this point, if you are reading this you likely already know this story. The one thing that stuck out to me on my re-read, which is the first time I have read this book in perhaps 30 years, is just how "cozy" it is. The first half of this book takes place almost entirely in the Shire and it comes across as a purely delightful place. Truly a bastion of purity and innocence in juxtaposition to the larger outside world.

Really, what I want to review here though is the Folio Society edition of this book. It is such a wonderfully bound special edition with a fantastic binding, really nice paper and a great typeset. Ink-block style illustrations highlight the start of each chapter and this is truly a fantastic printing. I did have a minor printing issue on two pages in my book, where the ink was slightly faded, but the than that, if you are a fan of this work, this is a highly recommended special edition worth picking up.

View all my reviews

Videogaming: Metroid Fusion

The January Game of the Month over at r/SBCGaming was Metroid Prime Fusion. I have never played this game before and I was rather excited to give it a go. I have not really played any Metroid 2D games with the exception of Samus Returns for the 3DS. I've found that these games share a lot of DNA and I suppose that is just how 2D Metroid games are? If it is I unfortunately have to admit that perhaps 2D Metroid games aren't for me. 

I rather enjoyed the exploration aspects of the game quite a bit, but I found two of the core gameplay mechanics incredibly frustrating. First, while the exploration was rather fun, the investigation for the various hidden areas is a complete chore. Some areas had visual cues to indicate that there was something there, but most of them had no indication they were there. It ended up in me just shooting and bombing the walls for every room that I entered. Even after I found some the the hidden routes, I sometimes still had trouble figuring out what I was supposed to be doing.  It bogged the game down and I had to lookup a walkthrough on more than one occasion.

Second, the boss battles were infuriating most of the time and I often had to go back to the same walkthrough to read about how to game the combat. I finally had to give up on the game just near the section that is in the screenshot of this post when I came face to face with my nemesis in the game and had to figure out how to out run them with little queue on how to actually solve the encounter. 

Perhaps this game is just a product of its time, but I have to admit that it just isn't for me. 

Videogaming: TrimUI Brick and Retro Games

I've really been feeling some nostalgia the past few months for some retro video games. I picked up Master Blaster Zero for my 3DS a few months ago and the aesthetic and gameplay felt really refreshing to me. That led me down the path of looking into getting a retro handheld gaming device. After a long research process I settled on the TrimUI Brick. It is a fairly new device, released this past fall, but has some good reviews. Megan picked it up for me for Christmas and I have been getting some of my retro game time on to some delight. 

Some of the games I have played so far are Super Mario World (of course) and Super Baseball 2020. Over on the r/SBCGaming subreddit they are doing a "Game of the Month", which is a really fund idea to get people to explore games. January's game is Metroid Fusion, which I'll talk about bit more about in another post. 

I'm having a really fun time with this little device so far though. It's rough around the edges though and the software is not very polished. This is definitely a "tinkerer's" hobby with messing with settings. On more than one occasion I've had to hard reboot the device and clear out settings that I've messed up. 

It's Time to Say Goodbye to META

If you are coming over to this blog because you saw one of my posts over on Instagram, Threads, or Facebook, welcome. I mentioned on those other platforms that I wasn’t going to get into a soapbox about why I was leaving META platforms, but I figured I would do a brief explanation here. To be honest, it wont be a surprise but the main reason is that I do not agree with the general position Mark Zuckerberg and his ideology these days. His recent changes to moderation on the META platforms don’t give me confidence that we wont see an influx of hate speech and other negative commentary, and unfortunately I have too many people on my social and family circles that I have seen over the past eight years get hooked in by some extreme ideology. With the upcoming Trump presidential term, I fear that it will again only get worse and I am sick of seeing it and dealing with it. I’m exhausted and I don’t want to have to self moderate a constant stream of content that I don’t want to engage with. 

When I first signed up for Facebook back in the early 2000’s I was approaching it for the original intended use of connecting with friends and family. Social media has changed over the past twenty years and these days (like most I think), I am not using social media for connect with friends and family. I’m connecting with my friends and family through basic messaging apps and I am finding that more and more of my photo sharing and life updates are occurring through small, closed door discussion rooms. My social media these days is focused around finding communities and discussions around my hobbies. I am really finding interest in, following topics and not following people. 
I am going to miss Threads if I am being honest. For what it's worth, the algorithm over there did find me great conversations to follow and engage with. I am going to be investing most of my time though into the Fediverse, namely Mastadon and Pixelfed. Bluesky seems alright, but I dont really want to rebuild a social graph around another single company. While the environment over there is positive right now, that could change in a heartbeat with a new CEO or management. 

If you would like to come and join me or follow me on some of those other platforms, I would love to engage with you in those conversations. I’ll have my links shared over on the sidebar of this blog. 

Getting Back into Watches

I've made an effort this past year to get back into wearing watches besides just my Apple Watch. My most recent pickup is a Casio-Oak 2100. I'll be honest, I didn't quite like this when I originally got it. The dark color is a bit hard to see at times, but it has grown on my significantly over the past several weeks. It's incredibly comfortable and not nearly as big on the wrist as it maybe initially looks. My only real complaint with it at this point is the Casio App, the is used to sync the timezone. It is simply terrible, so I am not going to be using that moving forward.